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Categorie-Spinning Streamers

Questa selezione di streamers presenta caratteristiche ottimali per essere utilizzata con attrezzattura da spinning light e ultra light. I pesi variano da circa 1.5 a oltre 5 grammi, consigliamo l'uso degli streamers nei torrenti alla ricerca di trote fario, iridee e salmerini. Pescando il torrente a risalire risultano per mia esperienza nella maggioranza dei casi più produttivi dei minnows che in tali circostanze non entrano in pesca molto velocemente e non si riesce pescando a favore di corrente a sfruttarne pienamente il nuoto. Lo streamer invece entra immediatamente in pesca ed anzi, anche dai nostri amici PAM viene spesso fatto portare giù dalla corrente in modo naturale e solo animato leggermente di tanto in tanto. Pesco da molti anni con streamers adattati per la pesca a spinning e a mio avviso i risultati sono veramente notevoli, in ambienti medio piccoli anche superiori all'utilizzo degli stessi con la coda di topo, perchè a spinning dopo il lancio non si ha il tempo di latenza nella gestione della coda dopo che lo streamer è entrato in acqua... Nella buca con la canna da spinning bastano due colpi di vettino e lo streamer è in movimento e quindi l'entrata in pesca è pressochè istantanea!!! Risultano altamente produttivi soprattutto nei mesi da fine Aprile a fine Agosto e comunque in ogni caso quando si riscontra una buona attività del pesce. Negli ambienti più piccoli un altro vantaggio notevole è che si possono insidiare trote anche di taglia con artificiali abbastanza voluminosi ma che non creano troppo rumore in fase di caduta in acqua. Anche i cavedani e i persici reali non disdegnano affatto gli streamers e anzi spesso sui diffidenti cavedani fanno la differenza..!

Spinning Streamers

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HT Back To The Future II

HT Back To The Future II

€3.50 Price

SpinningStreamers Line: the classics of fly fishing according to FLUMEN Fly Style Spinning!

HT Back To The Future II -Hook Competition Barbless Size 6 Weight 1.9 g

The HT family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, their particularity lies in the grid placed between the two head beads. Unlike propellers, this grid does not have the task of  producing vibrations, but of creating turbulences by passing water through its holes.

Royal Caramel WP
  • Reduced price

Royal Caramel WP

€4.17 Regular price €4.90 Price -15%

Spinning Streamer line by FLUMEN Fly Style:  a classic of  fly fishing  optimized for   ultralight spinning

Royal Caramel WP: Hook size  6;  tungsten - Weight 2g

Blue Skull WP
  • Reduced price

Blue Skull WP

€4.67 Regular price €5.50 Price -15%

Spinning Streamers Line: a classic of fly fishing for  Flumen Fly Style Spinning!

Hook  streamer   size 4 -  Weighth 5,6  g


PainKiller XS

PainKiller XS

€4.90 Price

Spinning Streamer line by FLUMEN Fly Style:  a classic of  fly fishing  optimized for   ultralight spinning

PainKiller XS - Hook size 10 - tungsten - Weight 1.6 g

Honey Cream

Honey Cream

€4.90 Price

Spinning Streamer line by FLUMEN Fly Style:  a classic of  fly fishing  optimized for   ultralight spinning

Honey Cream Hook size 10; tungsten;  Weight 1,6 g

Critical Yellow WP

Critical Yellow WP

€4.90 Price

Spinning Streamer line by FLUMEN Fly Style:  a classic of  fly fishing  optimized for   ultralight spinning

Critical Yellow WP Hook size 6; tungsten;  Weight 2 g

Pink Haze WP

Pink Haze WP

€4.90 Price

Spinning Streamer line by FLUMEN Fly Style:  a classic of  fly fishing  optimized for   ultralight spinning

Pink Haze: Hook size  6; tungsten construction ; weight  2g

Ice Venom WP

Ice Venom WP

€4.90 Price

Spinning Streamer line by FLUMEN Fly Style:  a classic of  fly fishing  optimized for   ultralight spinning

Ice Venom hook size 6 - tungsten construction - weight 2 g

Trout Smuggler

Trout Smuggler

€4.10 Price

SpinningStreamers line : a classic of fly fishing according to  Flumen Fly Style Spinning!

Hook size  6 -  Weight 2,2g

JEEG Streamer

copy of JEEG Streamer

€3.90 Price

SpinningStreamers line : a classic of fly fishing according to  Flumen Fly Style Spinning!

Hook size  8-  Weight 1,6g

HT Back To The Future

HT Back To The Future

€3.50 Price

SpinningStreamers Line: the classics of fly fishing according to FLUMEN Fly Style Spinning!

HT Back To The Future -Hook Competition Barbless Size 6 Weight 1.9 g

The HT family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, their particularity lies in the grid placed between the two head beads. Unlike propellers, this grid does not have the task of  producing vibrations, but of creating turbulences by passing water through its holes.

SST Hoopoe

SST Hoopoe

€3.50 Price

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on a hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction with body core and head bead both in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST Grey Fox

SST Grey Fox

€3.50 Price

SST Gray Fox - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams. 

SST White Bird

SST White Bird

€3.20 Price

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on a hook size 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction with body core and head bead both in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST Master of Rabbits

SST Master of Rabbits

€3.20 Price

SST Master of Rabbits - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST Grey Hole

SST Grey Hole

€3.20 Price

SST Grey Hole- Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST Deer Cookie

SST Deer Cookie

€3.20 Price

SST Deer Cookie - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST M-King Brown

SST M-King Brown

€3.20 Price

SST M-King Brown - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST M-King Green

SST M-King Green

€3.20 Price

SST M-King Green - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST Atomic Yellow

SST Atomic Yellow

€3.20 Price

SST Atomic Yellow - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST Magic Rabbit

SST Magic Rabbit

€2.90 Price

SST Magic Rabbit - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.

SST Crazy Caramel

SST Crazy Caramel

€2.90 Price

SST Crazy Caramel - Hook Competition Barbless Size 8 - Weight 1.6 g

The SST family is a series of Spinning Streamers with a very high weight / size ratio, built on hook 8 are small streamers the size of a coin. The construction  all in tungsten allowed to reach a weight of around 1.6 grams.



€7.50 Price

The Woodpecker is a particularly heavy Streamer - 3.5 grams - which makes it very suitable for exploring even stronger currents and deep ooles.

Two hooks size 4 and 8.

Black Dock

Black Dock

€7.10 Price

Spinning Streamer line by FLUMEN Fly Style:  a classic of  fly fishing  optimized for   ultralight spinning

Black Dock: Hook size  4;  triple head; 4,6g